PFR is now part of the IJGlobal platform

Power Finance & Risk now finds its home within the IJGlobal platform, creating a more streamlined user experience. With all of IJGlobal’s and PFR’s data and content in one place, you can effortlessly navigate between your trusted PFR insights and IJGlobal’s extensive Transactions and Assets databases. Each article now links directly to related transactions, assets, and company profiles, turning your news feed into a comprehensive intelligence platform, helping you make strategic decisions and uncover new investment or client opportunities.

Already a subscriber? Log-in and explore the new-look PFR Log in

(your password and account details remain the same)  

Not a subscriber?  Request a demo

IJGlobal’s Power and Energy hub, PFR, provides global power, renewables, and energy transition coverage, as well as comprehensive infrastructure and energy data and insights. Whether you’re exploring new markets, conducting due diligence, or staying informed about industry developments, IJGlobal provides the tools and insights necessary to navigate the complexities of global infrastructure and energy finance, all in one place. 

Additionally, the IJGlobal platform offers the ability to filter, aggregate and visualise data via customisable graphs and charts, including dedicated filters for power and renewables, allowing you to generate insights tailored to your specific needs. 

Want to experience this for yourself?  Request a demo