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  • This article describes a Monte-Carlo approach that not only prices weather derivatives, but allows traders of power and gas to arrive at a set of "weather delta" values that quantify the sensitivity of various assets and obligations to systematic weather risk. It also suggests using a weather-based approach for valuing both power and gas contracts, even in the absence of an interest in weather derivatives per se.
  • BONDS Maturity Issue Date Issuer Amt ($ mil) Offer Price Type of Security Coupon (%) Yield (%) Moody's S&P Book Manager(s) 05/25/2006 05/10/2001 Okinawa Electric Power 81.5 100 Bonds 0.610 na NA NA MIZUHO-SEC 05/25/2001 05/11/2001 Hokuriku Electric Power 163.2 100 Bonds 1.42 na NA NA DAIWA-SMBC 05/11/2041 05/11/2001 Scottish Power 142.2 99.951 Fxd/Straight Bd 6.5 6.503 A1 A UBS-WARBURG 05/15/2002 05/14/2001 TECO Energy 400 100 FRNs Floats Floats A3 A- CSFB 05/17/2016 05/14/2001 Western Mass Series 155 Market Asset Bkd Certs NA Market Aaa AAA LEHMAN 05/30/2011 05/16/2001 Israel Electric Corp. 596.8 99.473 Notes 7.95 8.027 A3 A- SS/DEUTSCHE-ALEX-B EQUITY Issue Date Issuer Amt ($mil) Type of Equity Book Manager 05/11/2001 Orion Power Holdings 373.9 Common Shares GS M&A Date Announced Date Effective Target Target Country Acquiror Name Target Industry Sector Acquiror Country Value ($mil) 05/10/01 05/10/01 Salcon Singapore PICA Electric, Gas, and Water Distribution Malaysia - 05/11/01 - Akca Enerji Turkey Undisclosed Acquiror Electric, Gas, and Water Distribution Unknown - 05/11/01 - Agder Energi Norway Lyse Energi Electric, Gas, and Water Distribution Norway 1561 05/11/01 05/11/01 FieldTech U.S. Invensys Management Services Electric, Gas, and Water Distribution U.S. 18 05/11/01 05/11/01 First Choice Watercoolers U.K. Perrier-Vittel Electric, Gas, and Water Distribution France - 05/12/01 - Elektrizitaetsversorgung Wikon Switzerland Centralschweizerische Electric, Gas, and Water Distribution Switzerland - 05/14/01 - Ueberland Strom Austria Steirische Wasserkraft und Electric, Gas, and Water Distribution Austria - 05/15/01 05/15/01 Enron 800 MW Pastoria U.S. Calpine Electric, Gas, and Water Distribution U.S. - 05/15/01 - Stadtwerke Telgte Germany Thuega Electric, Gas, and Water Distribution Germany - 05/15/01 - WestCoast Energy-Cogen Plants Canada CANADA POWER HOLDINGS Electric, Gas, and Water Distribution Canada 253 Source: Thomson Financial Securities Data Company. For more information, call Rich Peterson at (973) 645-9701.
  • BONDS Maturity Issue Date Issuer Amt ($ mil) Offer Price Type of Security Coupon (%) Yield (%) Moody's S&P Book Manager(s) NA 05/04/2001 American Electric Power 249.6 99.828 Global Bonds 5.500 5.591 Baa1 BBB+ CSFB/MERRILL/UBS-WARBURG 05/15/2006 05/04/2001 American Electric Power 997.0 99.696 Global Bonds 6.125 6.196 Baa1 BBB+ CSFB/MERRILL/UBS-WARBURG 05/11/2011 05/04/2001 Hydro-Quebec 748.7 99.831 Global Bonds 6.300 6.323 A2 A+ MERRILL/CSFB 05/15/2011 05/04/2001 SCANA Corp 299.9 99.962 Notes 6.875 6.880 A3 A- CSFB/UBS-WARBURG 05/25/2009 05/08/2001 Shikoku Electric Power 164.8 100 Bonds 1.180 NA NA NA NIKKO-SSB 03/18/2011 05/08/2001 Tohoku Electric Power 329.4 99.92 Bonds 1.460 NA NA NA MIZUHO-SEC 05/25/2011 05/09/2001 Chubu Electric Power 247.1 99.92 Bonds 1.440 NA Aa2 AA- NOMURA M&A Date Announced Date Effective Target Target Country Target Industry Sector Acquiror Name Acquiror Industry Sector Acquiror Country Value of Deal ($mil) 05/03/01 - Rivenoblenergo Ukraine Electric, Gas, and Water Distribution AES Electric, Gas, and Water Distribution U.S. 23 05/07/01 - Enercan Brazil Electric, Gas, and Water Distribution VBC Energia Electric, Gas, and Water Distribution Brazil - - EQUITY Issue Date Issuer Amt ($mil) Type of Equity Book Manager 05/03/2001 PPL 500.0 Trust Pfd Sec's MSDW Source: Thomson Financial Securities Data Company. For more information, call Rich Peterson at (973) 645-9701.
  • Equity Issue Date Issuer Amt ($mil) Type of Equity Book Manager 04/19/2001 First Canadian Electric Common Shares HAYWOOD-SEC/RAYMOND 04/20/2001 Eletrobras 33.9 Common Shares IPANEMA CM 04/30/2001 Reliant Resources Inc 1560.0 Common Shares GS 04/26/2001 Allegheny Energy 598.3 Common Shares GS/ML M&A Date Announced Date Effective Target Target Country Acquiror Name Acquiror Industry Sector Acquiror Country Value ($mil) 04/26/01 Canadian Midstream Services Canada Duke Energy Field Services Oil and Gas; Petroleum Refining U.S. - 04/26/01 Chocolate Bayou Water U.S. North Harris County Regional Electric, Gas, and Water Distribution U.S. 100 04/26/01 Merchant Energy U.S. TransAlta Electric, Gas, and Water Distribution Canada 2 04/27/01 04/27/01 BC Energy Malaysia Cochran Boilers Electric, Gas, and Water Distribution U.K. - 04/27/01 Stadtwerke Goerlitz Germany Vivendi Environment Electric, Gas, and Water Distribution France 49 Bonds Maturity Issue Date Issuer Amt ($ mil) Offer Price Type of Security Coupon (%) Yield (%) Moody's S&P's Book Manager(s) 05/04/2013 04/19/2001 Singapore Power Pte 166.6 100.000 Fxd/Straight Bd 4.050 4.050 NR AAA JPSESI/OCBC 04/25/2016 04/20/2001 PSNH 2001-1 75.2 Market Rate Red Certs Market SSB 04/24/2016 04/20/2001 PSNH 2001-1 214.6 Market Rate Red Certs Market SSB 04/25/2016 04/20/2001 PSNH 2001-1 235.1 Market Rate Red Certs Market Aaa AAA SSB 4/30/07 04/24/2001 Central Illinois Public 250.0 Senior Notes NR A+ TO-BE-ANNOUNCED 04/30/2007 04/24/2001 Officine Idroelettriche 5.9 101.250 Fxd/Straight Bd 4.000 3.766 NR NR STATO PUT02/21 04/25/2001 Calpine 850.0 100.000 CARZ na NR NR GS 05/01/2011 04/26/2001 TECO Energy 398.9 99.733 Notes 7.200 7.238 A3 A- JPM 03/01/2011 04/27/2001 AES 72.8 100.000 Fxd/Straight Bd 8.375 8.375 Ba1 BB SSSB 08/31/2002 04/27/2001 EnBW International Finance 437.9 100.000 Convertible Bds 3.000 3.000 NR A+ DEUTSCHE BANK /UBS-WARBURG 05/25/2004 04/27/2001 Shikoku Electric Power 80.6 100.000 Bonds .400 na NA NA NOMURA 05/23/2011 04/30/2001 Innogy Holdings 427.0 99.353 Fxd/Straight Bd 7.000 7.091 Baa1 BBB+ BARCCG/HSBC /BNP-PARIBAS 05/08/2003 05/01/2001 Georgia Power 90.0 100.000 Notes 5.250 5.250 A2 A SSB 05/23/2008 05/02/2001 Innogy Holdings 444.0 99.531 Fxd/Straight Bd 6.250 6.333 Baa1 BBB+ BARCAP/BNP/HSBC
  • BONDS Maturity Issue Date Issuer Amt ($mil) Offer Price Type of Security Coupon (%) Yield (%) Moody's S&P Book Manager(s) 4/5/13 19/4/01 Singapore Power Pte 166.6 100.00 Bonds 4.050 NA NR AAA JPSESI/OCBC (JB) 1/5/08 20/4/01 Calpine 1,500.0 99.77 Senior Notes 8.500 8.544 Ba1 BB+ CSFB 04/25/16 - - - - - - - - - - 04/25/16 - - - - - - - - - - 04/25/16 20/4/01 PSNH 524.9 Market Rate Red Certs NA NA Aaa AAA SALOMON-SMITH 02/21 25/4/01 Calpine 850.0 100.00 CARZ Zero NA NR NR GS EQUITY Issue Date Issuer Amt ($mil) Type of Equity Book Manager 19/4/01 First Canadian Electric - Common Shares HAYWOOD-SEC/RAYMOND (JB) M&A Date Announced Date Effective Target Target Country Target IndustrySector Acquiror Name Acquiror IndustrySector Acquiror Country Value of ($mil) 04/19/01 04/19/01 MEC Koszalin Poland Electric, Gas, and Water Distribution Sydkraft Electric, Gas, and Water Distribution Sweden 3.0 04/20/01 - Metan SudGas Italy Electric, Gas, and Water Distribution Ente Nazionaleperl Energia Electric, Gas, and Water Distribution Italy - 04/23/01 - Power Facilities Pty New Zealand Electric, Gas, and Water Distribution Meridian Energy Electric, Gas, and Water Distribution NewZealand 42.0 Source: Thomson Financial Securities Data Company. For more information, call Rich Peterson at (973) 645-9701.
  • Bonds Maturity Issue Date Issuer Amt ($ mil) Offer Price Type of Security Coupon (%) Yield (%) Mood'y S&P's Book Manager(s) 3/15/11 4/12/01 Chugach Electric Association 149.8 99.835 Revenue Bonds 6.55 na Aaa AAA J-P-MORGAN 4/13/05 4/12/01 Malakoff Bhd 39.5 100 Bonds 4.406 na NA NA MAYBAN/CITIMY(JB) /COMMERCE-INTL(JB) 4/13/08 4/12/01 Malakoff Bhd 31.1 98.43 Zero Coupon Bnd Zero na NA NA MAYBAN/CITIMY(JB) /COMMERCE-INTL(JB) 4/13/08 4/12/01 Malakoff Bhd 26.3 99.912 Bonds 5.01 na NA NA COMMERCE-INTL /CITIMY(JB)/MAYBAN(JB) 4/12/07 4/12/01 Transelec(Hydro Quebec) 158.7 Market Bonds Serial Serial SALOMON-SMITH 4/12/01 Transelec(Hydro Quebec) 84.6 Market Bonds Serial Serial SALOMON-SMITH 4/25/13 4/17/01 Chubu Electric Power 202.6 100 Bonds Floats Floats Aa2 AA- DAIWA-SMBC Equity Issue Date Issuer Amt($mil) Offer Price Type of Equity Book Manager 4/12/01 Duke Energy 2000 Debt Sec, Pfd TO-BE-ANNOUNCED 4/12/01 Thunder Energy Common Shares GRIFFITHS 4/18/01 Black Hills 156 52 Common Shares CSFB M&A Date Announced Target Target Country Acquiror Name Acquiror Industry Sector Acquiror Country Value ($mil) 4/12/01 Powercor Australia-Electricity Australia Origin Energy Electric, Gas, and Water Distribution Australia 160 4/12/01 Specialized Energy Products U.S. Chapeau Electric, Gas, and Water Distribution U.S. 4/13/01 Kapar Power Station Malaysia Kapar Energy Ventures Electric, Gas, and Water Distribution Malaysia - 4/13/01 Total Fina Elf-Italian Gas Italy Eni Electric, Gas, and Water Distribution Italy - 4/13/01 Zhongshan Jiaming Electricity China China National Offshore Oil Electric, Gas, and Water Distribution China 39 4/17/01 Powergen-Hung & Ger Assets Germany NRG Energy Electric, Gas, and Water Distribution U.S. 185
  • * Enel of Italy is interested in purchasing Southern Water of the U.K. This would be the utility's first expansion in Europe. Earlier this year ScottishPower, the U.K.'s second-biggest utility, appointed Credit Suisse First Boston to look at restructuring or selling Southern Water (Bloomberg, 4/17).
  • * FPL Group has purchased the rights to build and operate a 1,789 MW power plant near Dallas from Cobisa, a closely held power developer. Once operational the plant will sell its output on the Texas wholesale market (Bloomberg, 4/17).
  • BONDS Maturity Issue Date Issuer Amt ($ mil) Offer Price Type of Security Coupon (%) Yield (%) Moody's S&P's Book Manager(s) 04/15/2011 04/06/2001 Transelec(Hydro Quebec) 462.4 99.436 Sr Unsecurd Notes 7.875 7.958 Baa1 A- ABN-AMRO-INC/SALOMON-SMITH 04/15/2011 04/09/2001 HQI Transelec Chile 462.4 99.436 Fxd/Straight Bond 7.875 7.958 Baa1 A- ABN-AMRO-NV/SALOMON-SMITH 04/25/2011 04/09/2001 Kansai Electric Power 319.8 100.000 Bonds 1.450 na Aa2 - NOMURA 04/14/2008 04/09/2001 United Networks 128.4 100.000 Float Rate Notes Floats Floats Aaa AAA WESTPAC/DBTRAL EQUITY Issue Date Issuer Amt($mil) Offer Price Type of Equity Book Managers 04/05/2001 Farmatic Biotech Energy 2.7 17.000 Ordinary Shares WESTLB-PAN 04/05/2001 Farmatic Biotech Energy 19.2 17.000 Ordinary Shares WESTLB-PAN 04/05/2001 Transelec 14.2 17.000 Ord/Common Shs. WESTLB-PAN M&A Date Announced Date Effective Target Target Industry Sector Target Country Acquiror Acquiror Country Value ($mil) 04/06/01 . Dehong Husong He Power Develop Electric, Gas, and Water Distribution China Dehong Electricity Shareholdin China 22 04/06/01 04/06/01 Undisclosed Gas Plant,Alberta Electric, Gas, and Water Distribution Canada Altagas Services Canada - 04/09/01 04/09/01 Cowboy Pipeline Service Electric, Gas, and Water Distribution Mexico Penn Octane U.S. - 04/09/01 . Powergen Electric, Gas, and Water Distribution U.K. E.on Germany 10879 04/09/01 04/09/01 Proyectos Industriales Electric, Gas, and Water Distribution Spain Iberdrola Spain - 04/09/01 04/09/01 Shennan Energy Electric, Gas, and Water Distribution Singapore Shenzhen Nanshan Power Station China - Source: Thomson Financial Securities Data Company. For more information, call Rich Peterson at (973) 645-9701.
  • * Leftist rebels have attacked the newly constructed $505 million 392 MW Porce II hydroelectric plant in northern Colombia, says the government. Colombia's president, Andres Pastrana, said he plans to create a 1,500 strong battalion to protect the country's power infrastructure from guerrilla sabotage (Dow Jones, 4/10).