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  • Bonds Maturity Issue Date Issuer Amt ($ mil) Offer Price Type of Security Coupon (%) Yield (%) Moody's S&P Book Runner(s) 6/15/06 6/15/01 PSI Energy 324.4 99.82 Fst Mtg Bonds 6.650 6.693 Baa1 BBB+ MERRILL Equity Issue Date Issuer Amt ($mil) Type of Equity Book Manager 6/14/01 NRG Energy 2,000.0 Dbt,Pfd,Dep,Com TBA 6/15/01 Florida Power 380.0 Debt,Fst Mtg Bn TBA M&A Date Announced Date Effective Target Target Country Acquiror Name Acquiror Country Deal ($mil) 06/15/01 - Soderhamn Energi Sweden Sydkraft Sweden - 06/15/01 - Vastringen Energi Sweden Oresundskraft Sweden - 06/15/01 - Vastringen Energi Sweden Tindra Norway - 06/18/01 06/18/01 GreenSource Canada Centrica U.K. - 06/18/01 06/18/01 Oslo Energi Norway Vattenfall Sweden - 06/18/01 - Petrico Poland Verbundnetz Gas Germany - 06/18/01 - San Diego Gas & Electric-Trans U.S. California U.S. - Source: Thomson Financial Securities Data Company. For more information, call Rich Peterson at (973) 645-9701.
  • * South Korea's Hanjung is emerging as the frontrunner to build and operate a $1 billion desalination and power plant project at Fujeirah in the United Arab Emirates, according to the UAE Offsets Group, which is conducting the bidding process. The UOG will hold direct negotiations with Hanjung over the next few weeks to reach a final commercial and technical agreement, but in the meantime, will also continue talking to two other bidders, France's Sidem and Italy's Fisia Italimpianti. Hanjung originally bid $744 million to build a 100 million gallons a day desalination plant and a 218 MW power plant. Subsequently it bid $778 million to build 500 MW of net power output in addition to the plant's internal consumption of 120 MW (Dow Jones, 6/17).
  • * U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair is to launch a review of the country's energy supply needs that could lead to a revival of nuclear power in the U.K. The move will be aimed at ensuring electricity and gas needs are met for the next 30 to 40 years (Financial Times, 6/17).
  • * In anticipation of a jump in the country's power demand, Venezuela's state-owned heavy industries company Corporacion Venezolana de Guyana said it would go ahead with plans to build a $2.1 billion hydroelectric plant in southern Venezuela. Companies have until July 30 to register for the first phase of the Tocoma Dam project, which includes engineering and geological studies. Mitsubishi Corp. and Marubeni Corp. are expected to be among the bidders. The Tocoma Dam, to be located along the Caroni River, is expected to begin producing power in 2006 (Bloomberg, 6/18).
  • * Duke Energy is leading the nuclear power industry's hopes of a comeback. It has filed requests for license renewals at two of its three nuclear power stations. Rivals are watching Duke's effort closely, and are soon expected to follow suit (Financial Times, 6/17).
  • Bonds Maturity Issue Date Issuer Amt ($ mil) Offer Price Type of Security Coupon (%) Yield (%) Moody's S&P Book Runner(s) 6/15/06 6/8/01 Texas Utilities 795.9 99.48 Notes 6.375 6.498 Ba3 BBB LEHMAN 6/15/11 6/11/01 Exelon Generation 699.2 99.88 Senior Notes 6.95 6.967 Baa1 A- SSB/CSFB 6/26/06 6/12/01 Tokyo Electric Power Co. 410.8 100 Bonds 0.48 N/A Aa2 AA- MIZUHO-SEC 7/3/06 6/13/01 International Endesa 85.2 100 FRNs Floats Floats Aa3 A+ CAINDO 6/25/13 6/13/01 Kansai Electric Power 246.5 100 Bonds 1.5 N/A Aa2 NA MIZUHO-SEC Equity Issue Date Issuer Amt ($mil) Type of Equity Book Manager 6/7/01 Consumers Energy 400 Preferred TBA M&A Date Announced Date Effective Target Target Country Acquiror Name Acquiror Country Value ($mil) 06/07/01 06/07/01 Scientific Energy U.S. Quazon U.S. - 06/08/01 - Cia Electrica Central Bulo Bolivia NRG Energy U.S. - 06/08/01 06/08/01 Gujarat State Energy Gen India Gas Authority of India India - 06/10/01 06/10/01 Rubicon New Zealand Deutsche Australia Australia - 06/11/01 - Rugeley Power Station U.K. International Power U.K. 276.0 06/12/01 - Empresa de Generacion Peru NRG Energy U.S. - 06/12/01 - Electra de Viesgo Spain Hidroelectrica del Cantabrico Spain - 06/12/01 - Graninge-Heating Sweden Narvarme Sverige Sweden 5.0 06/12/01 06/12/01 Itiquira Energetica Brazil Tosli Acquisitions Netherlands 14.0 06/12/01 06/12/01 Trigen Energy Canada Canada US Energy Systems U.S. 17.0 Source: Thomson Financial Securities Data Company. For more information, call Rich Peterson at (973) 645-9701.
  • * State-run Gas Authority of India (GAIL), India's largest gas distributor, has signed an agreement with Gujarat State Energy Generation to develop a 156 MW power project in western India. GAIL will hold 12% equity in the plant at Hazira, Gujarat. Other shareholders include Krishak Bharati Cooperative, Gurajat Electricity Board, Gujarat Industrial and Investment Corp., Gujarat Power Co. and Gujarat Industries Power Co. (Reuters, 6/8)
  • * London Electricity is in early takeover talks with American Electric Power about acquiring its U.K. subsidiary Seeboard, a distribution outfit. Last month AEP spurned an initial GBP1.5 billion approach from London Electricity (Independent On Sunday, 6/9).
  • * Mexico's Federal Electricity Commission has selected Electricité de France International to build, operate and maintain the $290 million Rio Bravo III electricity plant (Reuters, 6/12).
  • * New York state governor George Pataki ordered state buildings to get 20% of their electricity from renewable energy sources by 2010. The governor also appointed a task force of industry leaders, state officials and environmentalists to find ways to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in New York, to combat global warming, and renewed his call for federal emissions standards for older power plants. The announcements set Mr. Pataki apart from his fellow Republican, George W. Bush, and the governor's aides acknowledged that as he approached a re-election campaign next year, it behooved him to distance himself from the president and his increasingly unpopular environmental policies. The governor signed an executive order mandating that state facilities draw at least 10% of their electric needs from renewable sources by 2005, and 20% by 2010 (New York Times, 6/10).